I am a structural engineer currently working for a small consulting firm in Maryland.
The following provides examples of work i have completed over the last several years.

Structural Concrete 2011 Student Design Competition - 2nd Place

During my studies at Edinburgh Napier University I entered a design competition with a fellow student.  We won 2nd place out of entries from universities and colleges all over the United Kingdom.

For the competition we had to put together an initial design report with two viable options for the design of a new rugby club grandstand.  The design options had to provide tiered seating, hospitality suites, and a club room.  Of the two options, we developed the most feasible design, producing detailed calculations and typical drawings.  In addition, we developed guidance for future inspections and sustainability.  Images of our two design options are shown here. A link to the full report is provided below.

Design Report

Description of Competition

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